30 Mar 2015

I signed an agreement with my employer that says I have to reimburse the company for all H1B expenses if I leave within a set amount of time. Is this legal? Can they sue me if I refuse to pay?

Answer An employer cannot impose a "penalty" against an employee who leaves the company before the end of the H1B term. Employers can, however, include a "liquidated damages" clause in an employment contract to recover certain expenses. The federal regulations explain that "The distinction between liquidated...

23 Mar 2015

Can a company with only one employee sponsor an H1B worker?

Answer Yes, it is possible for new or very small companies to file H1B petitions. We represent start-up companies regularly. What is needed is proof that there really is work for the sponsored H1B person to perform. (23.Mar.2015)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and...

16 Mar 2015

Can I file a new PERM while my current one is under audit?

Answer The answer to this question depends upon whether the second PERM is being filed by the same employer or a different employer. If it is a different employer, that is possible. Otherwise, the first PERM has to be withdrawn before filing again with the same...

16 Mar 2015

What could be the reasons for a PERM audit?

Answer Many PERM audits are simply random audits. This is done just to verify that employers are actually complying with the PERM recruitment requirements. Then, there are audits because the job requirements exceed the DOL norm for that category. There are other issues that can increase...