09 Dec 2011

FY12 H1B Cap Reached on November 22, 2011

As previously announced to MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers, the H1B cap for fiscal year 2012 (FY12) was reached November 22, 2011. Explained here is the process for cases filed on or before November 22, 2011, as well as procedures for initiating H1B cap cases for...

02 Dec 2011

NewsFlash! No H1B Lottery in FY 2012

It has been announced that the USCIS will NOT be holding a lottery of H1B cap-subject cases filed on the final day of filing for fiscal year 2012 (FY12). The cap for FY12 was reached on November 22, 2011. The USCIS typically does not have...