05 Feb 2011

“Good Moral Character” for Naturalization: Part 2/2

Part 1 of this informative article discussed the requirement of "good moral character" as it applies to applications for naturalization for U.S. citizenship. In Part 2, we move here from conduct that mandates a denial of the naturalization application to discretionary issues involving good moral...

05 Nov 2010

Redesigned Naturalization Certificates in Effect

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced in late October 2010 that it has started using a redesigned naturalization certificate. This is part of ongoing efforts to enhance document security. Thus, the new version of the certificate of naturalization (Form N-550) contains a number...

29 Oct 2010

USCIS Memo on Use of Social Networking Websites

A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) memorandum regarding the importance of social networking sites in fraud detection was recently disclosed. This memo discusses the use of social networking sites by Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) officers in investigating potential abuses of U.S. immigration...