Forum postings are moderated before they are released to the MurthyForum, so you will experience a delay before seeing your post. Administrators release questions when they are considered helpful to other users and appropriate to the goals of the Murthy Law Firm: to serve the immigrant community.
Anyone is free to view postings. All registered members of the community may post and respond to forum messages.
IMPORTANT: Be Careful What You Post
We ask you not to post anything you will regret once it is online. Once posted, your text stays posted and we cannot delete it upon your request. Search engines will cache the content and display your information if a search is done with the specific words in your messages. Take care to keep your private information private.
Responsibilities of Membership
- Messages that are disrespectful, that solicit business, that advertise goods or services, that slander, threaten, or reference other commercial enterprises, websites, eMail addresses, phone numbers, or that distribute copyrighted materials will be deleted and the membership rights revoked. Depending on the severity of the matter, we may pursue legal action.
- You agree to use the forums only to send and receive messages that are proper and related to the particular forum. Forum members who are offended by a posting, should eMail their complaints to:
- You acknowledge that all posts are public communication and not private. Further, these chats and posts are not endorsed by the Murthy Law Firm, and as such, may not be considered reviewed, screened, or approved by the Murthy Law Firm.
- The Murthy Law Firm does reserve the right to remove, without notice, any content of the postings received from users and also reserves the right to restrict access to this website by any user.